Knowing Truth

John 8: 31-32

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”

I confess that I am curious about your thoughts on yesterday’s post. Do you love to argue or do you argue that we should love?

Regardless, Jesus challenges us with yet another pair of promises. If we hold to his teachings and are really his disciples, we, “…will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” What “truth” is Jesus talking about? Do you know?

A lot of people these days make conflicting claims about the nature of truth. Some say there is no absolute “truth” and others say truth is relative, meaning, I suppose, that truth is what you want it to be or feel it should be or possibly that only what a relative says is truth.  🙂

My old Webster college dictionary defines truth as, “the state or character of being true.” Obviously defining truth can be a challenge. My personal definition is that truth is what really is. For example many people these days say that there is no God. Others say there is. While we might discuss or argue the points in favor of either point of view, the indisputable fact is that all life born on earth will die, and when we die presumably the truth will be obvious to all because we will no longer be subject to deception in the matter. 

In fact, Jesus offers us the opportunity to know the truth before we die. All we have to do is:

1. Hold to Jesus’ teachings.

2. Be His disciple.

Then we will know the truth.

Q: Have you experienced this knowing the truth personally and if so, what is that like?

3 Replies to “Knowing Truth”

  1. I’m not sure I’m following your question completely. My experience of knowing the truth personally relates to knowing Jesus personally. I am on the journey of following Christ and holding to all that he taught. Part of being a disciple is learning and growing through following/imitating the master.

  2. Yes, I believe knowing Jesus is knowing truth. He came to testify to the truth (John 18:37) and He is truth (John 14: 6). He speaks truth and is the word of God (and God Himself) made flesh (John 1). It is all about knowing Jesus (Philippians 3: 1 – 14).

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