John’s Mission

As we get closer to Christmas Day, we are walking through the scriptures that tell us the story of Jesus’ birth. We have seen the Annunciation or formal announcement of the coming events by the angel Gabriel to Mary. We have seen Zechariah’s voice restored after proclaiming his baby’s name to be John as the angel Gabriel instructed him. Now we hear John’s words of prophecy by the Holy Spirit regarding the coming Messiah and his own son’s mission as the herald of the coming king. John will be called a prophet of the Most High and will go before the Lord to prepare the way for him…

… to give his people the knowledge of salvation
    through the forgiveness of their sins…

Luke 1:77

John’s mission was to proclaim salvation through the forgiveness of sins. He must have been a very effective preacher because people came from all over the Holy Land to hear his words. Many of them humbled themselves, admitting their sin and confessing their desire to repent. Those that did receive a symbolic baptism of water, a ceremonial washing as it is called in some places.

Q: We know that it is only through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross that we are able to gain salvation through the blood of Christ, so how does John’s message of repentance prepare the way for Jesus?

3 Replies to “John’s Mission”

  1. We need to realize that we are sinners who need help. Repentance acknowledges are need.

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