
Three evil looking eggs look down on a broken shell.
For a while, it looked as if the bad eggs might win…

In my experience, excellence in anything is usually perceived as a threat by those who are mediocre. Perhaps you have experienced this yourself? Have you ever put out extra effort or done something exceptionally well only to have someone make a snarky comment intended to pop your bubble? If you have suffered mockery or insult for doing something well, you are in good company. Jesus did everything well and yet not everyone loved him or appreciated him.

I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.

John 8: 37

In fact, what Jesus did more than inspired simple mockery or derision, what he did caused others to think about murdering him. And what is worse, Jesus knew it. Even worse than that, Jesus knew they would succeed. Yet he also knew something else that made allowing the Jews to kill him worthwhile.

Q: How would Jesus’ death serve a purpose?

3 Replies to “Death”

  1. Jesus death allowed him to serve as our kinsman Redeemer. Without it, he could not claim is as his family.

    1. I love the camp song “My Redeemer Lives”. We are brought into the family because of what Jesus did for us.

  2. Through His death we have life. His death and resurrection defeated sin, death and Satan. He is the true super hero.

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