Copy Cat

As Jesus labors to be understood by the Jews he is talking with, the conversation quickly turns to his Father. The question of who Jesus’ father is has become a major point of contention. It is interesting that God would arrange things so that Joseph, Jesus’ adoptive father, would pass on before Jesus starts his ministry. Jesus does not claim to be the son of Joseph, but rather the son of God Himself.

In the heat of the discussion, Jesus says to the Jews, “… you are doing what you have heard from your father.” (v 38) The Jews are incensed:

Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.”

John 8: 39

Jesus then defines Abraham’s children as someone who does what Abraham did. He knows full well that all of the Jews could claim Abraham as an ancestor, yet what is important to Jesus is not genealogy, but rather a person’s relationship to God through faith.

Q: Who are the children of Abraham today and why?

One Reply to “Copy Cat”

  1. I think all followers of Jesus are children of Abraham – Spiritual children of Abraham. Some believers are children of Abraham by physical descent as well, others of us have been adopted/grafted into the family through Jesus.

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