
Each one of us has a sense of what “Truth” is or isn’t. Yet how many of us are right? If one hundred people each have a different idea of “Truth” then there are one hundred different definitions of truth. What are the odds that even one of those is right, let alone one? Certainly there can be no more than one true Truth.

Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!

John 8:45

In this verse we hear the Author of life, the Creator of the Universe, pointing out that because what he is telling people is the truth, they reject it. Think about that for a moment. If the Truth were to come up and whisper in your ear, would you recognize it, or would you reject it?

Q: How do you determine if what you believe is Truth actually is Truth?

2 Replies to “Truth”

  1. This is a difficult epistemological question… yet also simple in practice. I trust, specifically I trust a person. It is the only way for me to move past doubt and skepticism. At some point one must trust in something or someone. So while I have some basic trust in my senses and rational thought, I know they are flawed. Ultimately put my trust in the one who claimed and showed himself to be perfect.

    So while my mind and senses help me determine whether I have Truth, I ultimately trust that Jesus has and is the truth.

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