Do you ever wonder what God does with his spare time? I mean sure, He created the universe and all that is in it, and he keeps the whole thing running day in and day out. He also hears everyone’s prayers and keeps busy answering prayer and giving prophets things to say. All of these things tell us who God is and inform us about God. But does he do more?
Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.’
John 9: 3
Yesterday’s post posed a question about a world where nothing ever went wrong. If we were never sick, or hurt, or in pain, how would we know we needed God? To put the question in a different perspective, try holding your breath underwater and see how your appreciation for being able to breathe increases with each passing second.
We are made so that we need to breathe in order to live. Our nature tells us this but we are not aware of it until we try and go without breathing. In a similar way, we are made to be in a relationship with our Creator, in love with our God, joyously receiving His blessings and blessing Him for meeting our needs. Yet we don’t always realize that we need God until something goes wrong.
Q: How do the works of God serve both His interests and ours?
I appreciate and agree with your comment, “We are made to be in a relationship with our Creator, in love with our God, joyously receiving His blessings and blessing Him for meeting our needs.” Likewise, I think that His goal is to draw near to us in relationship as He loves those created in His image. Our need, whether realized or not is the same thing. So His works on our behalf serve His interests and because He is by nature self-less, beneficent, loving, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, gracious gentle and humble. And those are all things I need today.
What a beautifully written response! Thank you!