Listen – John 10: 14-16

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”

Once again, Jesus repeats himself. “I am the good shepherd.” “I am the good shepherd.” If a man is the best at something and he says he is the best, that is not arrogance, it is fact. Jesus is not being prideful here or arrogant, but honest, truthful, and straightforward.

You might say, “Well he is not really a shepherd though,” and you would be right in the literal sense. However, if you wanted a word to describe what Jesus does, it would be difficult to find a better metaphor than the word, shepherd.

Jesus then goes on to describe who his sheep are that he prophetically states he will lay his life down for. His sheep include Jews, but they also include “other sheep” who are not Jews. That would be those of us who qualify as Gentiles. Anyone, in fact, who listens to his voice.

Let’s Discuss: What does it mean to listen to Jesus’ voice?

4 Replies to “Listen – John 10: 14-16”

  1. I think it means to follow after Him, like a sheep follows the sound of his shepherd’s voice. I think it is also appropriate to think of it in terms of hearing and obeying God’s Word.

  2. I agree with Nathan’s comments. We cannot hear His voice unless we listen to Him. I often do a lot more talking to God than being still enough to listen to Him. This implies time taken to hear what the Master says.

  3. I think hearing what Jesus says is either very simple, or very complicated. There are a lot of voices in the world that make what Jesus says seem complicated. Yet, when I read his words directly from the Bible it seems rather simple. Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. Easy to say, not always so easy to do.

  4. I just had a good laugh the answer to today’s question was listen. September 10th 2020. Maybe I should listen more. I just dont know what his voice sounds like. There are to many voices in this world. I am trying so hard to hear him. I pray every day for his guidance. I hurt so much inside and feel so lost. I’m trying to glorify him in everything I do encouraging others trying to share the faith. I just feel tired and worthless at times. But it’s all part of his plan. I have no choice i already surrendered to him and love him for everything he has done for me. What right do i have to complain about things to someone who die for all my sins.

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