A Winter’s Walk – John 10: 22-25a

Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, ”How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
Jesus answered, ”I did tell you, but you do not believe.

Over the past several days we have watched Jesus explain himself over and over again to an audience who is unwilling to accept his message. Now, in this passage, the scene has changed again. Walking under the covered porch of the temple wall Jesus is pestered by the Jews. “Tell us plainly,” they say. This is almost a childish simplification of the situation.

Jesus has told them. Repeatedly. Often. He has demonstrated his power and nature. He has shown that he understands both God and man. As Jesus says, they still do not believe. So the question really isn’t about telling the Jews plainly. What they are asking for is an admission that will give them an excuse to condemn him, or evidence so overwhelming that they can no longer deny his Lordship.

Let’s Discuss: Had Jesus revealed his divine power in an Old Testament sense, what would have been the outcome for those who refused to believe?

8 Replies to “A Winter’s Walk – John 10: 22-25a”

  1. I don’t think so because their hearts are hard. What’s more is the got to see the Son of God in the flesh. Would they rather have seen him in Pillar of fire or Pillar of a cloud?

  2. I think they would have acted like their ancestors and rejected Jesus even having seen his power. The Hebrews coming out of Egypt saw all that and they blatantly disobeyed God and threatened to kill Moses.

  3. I agree. The disobedient Israelites saw the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day for forty years and still were disobedient and faithless. The problem was not Jesus’ proof, but their hard hearts.

  4. I also now have the song California dreaming stuck in my head from your winter’s walk comment 🙂

  5. People who know the truth and have faith dont need examples to be shown. You believe or you don’t. Noah believed when everyone else didn’t. He knows your heart.

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