Heart Work – John 10: 25b – 26

“The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.”

Are you a sheep, and if so whose sheep are you? Do you have a sense of belonging? Do you recognize the voice of your Maker when He calls? Do you listen only to the voices inside your own head? Do you want to be able to hear God’s voice?

What do you see when Jesus heals a blind man? Do you see a miracle or a threat? Is it amazing or something to be joked about?

The works Jesus does, while he is on earth, are not that different than the works he continues to do on earth while he looks on from his throne in heaven. He writes his story on the hearts of people. In doing so, he changes the hearts of those willing to be changed. Those who are not willing will suffer from the same disease as that which afflicted the Pharisees.

Let’s Discuss: How does it feel to be called a “sheep” and as a sheep, does it matter whether or not you belong to someone?

8 Replies to “Heart Work – John 10: 25b – 26”

  1. Being called a sheep is both a little insulting and endearing for me. Having had owned sheep as a youth I know the dumb/insulting side of it, but also recognize the sweet endearing side of it. I was never a shepherd, I didn’t live with and bond with the sheep the way a true shepherd does. A true shepherd knows, cares, and guards his/her sheep. I find it comforting to be described as a sheep to the good shepherd.

  2. If Jesus is the shepherd, I do not mind Him calling me a sheep. It is infinitely better than being a goat.

  3. Guys, thanks for not being “sheepish” about commenting! Some people are always trying to pull the wool over your eyes, but the thing I notice about Jesus was he wanted to pull the wool from over the eyes. And yes, he always seems to manage to get the Pharisee’s goat … (whatever that means! : -)

  4. Sheep are not known for a rebellious nature…they are known for loyally followinhg.

  5. You can see it as an insult because of pride or you can understand the blessing of being sheep with an awsome Shepherd. Humble.

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