Assurance – John 10: 27 – 29

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”

Life is a scary business. We are not always conscious of this truth, but in a moment something critical can change and suddenly we are no longer self-assured; instead, we are scared. And with good reason. There is so little we really know about this life. There is really very little we have control over.

Driving down the road is a common, everyday task for most of us, but what happens when a deer darts out in front of our fender, or a car runs a stop sign as we enter the intersection, or we don’t see the pedestrian in the crosswalk…

Suddenly, in less than an instant, we can be transformed into a victim or a murderer. Families can be split, children can be taken away never to return. Even something as simple as missing that very important appointment or losing a job because the police officer who stopped you while you were speeding to get to work made you late, even these mundane events can be life-changing.

Isn’t it nice to know that being a sheep that belongs to Jesus, recognizing His voice, and the promise of being given eternal life cannot be taken away? We are saved not because of our own deeds, or thoughts, or morality, but by His. If we have been given to Him by the Father, no one can snatch you away.

3 Replies to “Assurance – John 10: 27 – 29”

  1. This is such an important discussion. We truly have very little control over our lives, so in the insecurity and brokenness of life I find great peace/comfort in the security we have in the Good Shepherd. I am thankful that salvation and hope in Jesus isn’t another insecurity, but something I can be centered in no matter what else happens.

  2. We have very little control indeed. I am currently sick and thus frustrated that many of my plans for this week have had to be altered. A week ago, I had no idea as I made plans that my plans were not going to come to fruition. Thankfully, God’s good plans always come to fruition. Our salvation in Christ is His plan and thus a secure one.

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