Non Sequitur – John 11: 5-6

Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days,

Ordinarily, these two sentences would not go together. If they were written about anyone else, they would be a contradiction, a joke. Imagine someone writing a story that included the lines:

Dick loved Jane more than life itself. When Dick heard Jane was sick he…

(A) … rushed to her side.
(B) … thought about going to see her. 
(C) … stayed where he was two more days. 

Obviously, if Dick loves Jane he is going to want to be there when she needs him. He is not going to be indifferent to her feelings. Yet Jesus operates with a different kind of love and a different kind of viewpoint.

Let’s Discuss: How does waiting two days before going to see Lazarus demonstrate God’s love?

6 Replies to “Non Sequitur – John 11: 5-6”

  1. He can’t call him back if he doesn’t die. That Lazarus is is chosen for this task is an honor.

  2. As an additional rabbit trail, I find it interesting that we don’t hear more about what happened to Lazarus:. Did he live two more days…two more weeks…two more years. I realize it’s not necessary to story to show Jesus’s power and authority.

    Anyways, Lazarus would have a great testimonial time at men’s retreats. Look what Jesus did for me…

  3. Good point on the men’s retreat observation Robster. I like that. I think waiting the extra time demonstrated God’s love because He cared enough to show His power to overcome death. That truth gives us hope and reassurance. It was a loving act toward all of humanity.

  4. Good responses guys, I echo what you said!

    I think it is important to frame God’s love for us as a father’s love (a perfect father) for his children. He deisres the best for the child in the long term, not just the short term. Children often don’t fully understand this – most teens don’t either, in fact we adults can be pretty bad at it as well… hence the point. What Lazarus went through was so people would believe in Jesus – for ETERNAL life!!!

    It is comforting for me to think of my relationship to God as a young child to a patient Father. I know he loves me and has the best for the long term planned for me.

  5. Well said, all! To add to Nathan’s comment, adults often make decisions based on information that the child does not have. For a child to judge the adult’s decisions based on a child’s perspective is possibly blindly arrogant if there is something there that it outside their ability to know. Of course God’s knowledge is infinite and compared to that what I know is no more than a small speck of sand. I think I’ll trust Him. :- )

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