Jesus Time – John 11: 9-10

Jesus answered, ”Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

Are there twelve hours of daylight? The answer to that is, “… it depends.” It depends on where you are on the planet and what time of year it is. In Anchorage, Alaska there is only about one hour of daylight during the months of December and January. In June and July, there are about twenty-three hours of daylight. Jerusalem is about the same latitude as Ensenada, Mexico; just south of the border. That far south the seasonal shift is much less noticeable, but it is still there.

Back in Jesus’ day, hours were measured a bit differently than they are now. In our modern era days are very carefully divided up into hours that are all exactly equal in length. In Jesus day, they simply divided the day up into twelve parts. Sunrise to sunset was the day, so whether that was a long day or a short day, it still had twelve hours in it.

In Jesus day, there literally was exactly twelve hours of daylight every day, regardless of what time of the year it was. If it was daytime, then there was daylight. Way back at the beginning of John, in chapter 1, verse 9 John writes:

“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.”

The true light was Jesus. The true light still is Jesus.

Let’s Discuss: From a spiritual perspective, what time of day is it?

One Reply to “Jesus Time – John 11: 9-10”

  1. Well nobody had anything to say so I wont feel bad if I sound off the wall. From a spiritual perspective what time of day is it? In Gods perspective time is yesterday, tomorrow, now and every moment of time all at once. I cant completely understand time compassion to the Creator of the universe. Spiritually with me the time is how far I am in my spiritual walk if I am walking and sharing the faith in Gods light and glory I cant stumble. It’s when I’m walking in sin that I stumble.

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