Thomas – John 11: 16

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Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, ‘’Let us also go, that we may die with him.”

Ya gotta love Thomas! If Thomas were an animal he would be Winnie the Pooh’s Eeyore the donkey. You can almost hear his sad, slow, lowing voice say, “Oooookay. We might as well go, too. Probably all end up getting killed anyway.”

Thomas isn’t a bad person, at least not in a human context. He is just not one to rush into things, On the other hand, he is doggedly (or mulishly?) loyal. Regardless of how dangerous it might seem to him to go back to Judea, he is willing to go.

Like the others, Thomas has not yet grasped that Jesus sees things from a different perspective than any human. He is looking at the world from the perspective of a Being who created the world, who has witnessed all of history, and who has intimate knowledge of what is in each man’s heart.

Let’s Discuss: Later on, we will see that Thomas has other donkey traits like being stubborn. How do you think Thomas would want to be remembered?

3 Replies to “Thomas – John 11: 16”

  1. Thomas also died for bringing the gospel to India. The church there traces their roots to Thomas. If I were him, I think I might like to be remembered for a life that was changed and did eventually die willingly for His Lord.

  2. I think Thomas would want to be remembered as a man who loved God and served him despite his weaknesses. As Rich mentioned Thomas died for the faith and brought the gospel to India for the first time. Also, remember this was a young man at the time who had a lot of growing to do – along with the other disciples (probably upper teens or early 20’s).

  3. I am sure if Thomas were visiting this blog, he would thank you for your kind words! Thomas provides a good reminder that it is important to be mindful of what we do and say. One never knows what will be remembered!

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