Yes, Lord – John 11: 27

“Yes, Lord,” she replied, ‘’I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

Martha’s response to Jesus is concise and succinct.

“I believe…” She states clearly what she believes. This is not an opinion of hers or wishful thinking, but a belief.

“… that you are the Messiah…” here she tells us what she believe about Jesus that sets him apart. She is convinced that he is the one that the Old Testament prophets promised God would send to His people.

“… the Son of God…” she gives us one more attribute of Jesus so that there is no mistaking who she is talking about.

“… who is to come into the world.” God promised that he would send his Messiah into the world. Others before Jesus may have claimed this title but it did not stick because it was not true. Jesus knows who he is and where he is from and where he is going. There is no doubt in his mind. Where others simply make claims, Jesus demonstrates his power and authority time and time again.

What a wonderful statement of faith! Martha provides us with a model of what to say if you should find yourself tongue-tied when trying to affirm Jesus as your savior.

Let’s Discuss: There are a million ways to say, “I believe in Jesus.” What is your favorite?

9 Replies to “Yes, Lord – John 11: 27”

  1. I guess it depends on if I am saying it to him or affirming it to others. My favorite way to let him know would be by placing my trust fully in him. When I place my trust in him or attempt this to the best of my ability, I believe it is a powerful affirmation to my deepest beliefs. I wouldn’t place trust in something or someone that I did not believe was capable of delivering on those expectations; especially when to be let down in these areas would be ultimately dire as my expectations on him include deliverance and guidance for every aspect of my life.

  2. I guess it depends on if I am saying it to him or affirming it to others. My favorite way to let him know would be by placing my trust fully in him. When I place my trust in him or attempt this to the best of my ability, I believe it is a powerful affirmation to my deepest beliefs. I wouldn’t place trust in something or someone that I did not believe was capable of delivering on those expectations; especially when to be let down in these areas would be ultimately dire as my expectations on him include deliverance and guidance for every aspect of my life.

  3. When I explain it to other people, I like to state my belief in Jesus in terms of his death and resurrection. I also like to include that we have victory over Sin, Satan, and Death – that is really important to me as I see so much brokenness in the world. Jesus is the solution.

  4. There are many good responses here. I do not have much to add other than I think Jesus wants us to say that we believe in Him, tell others that we believe in Him, and then really believe in Him through our actions.

  5. Great discussion! Singing, telling, affirming, explaining, believing, action. All great ways of Glorifying our Lord. I like to think of Jesus as the Author of life and I sometimes share about him in that context.

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