Celebration – John 12: 1-2

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.

Our last post ended with the Pharisees and the chief priests plotting to kill Jesus. Jesus retreats to Ephriam, a village about ten miles north of Jerusalem and Bethany. There he stays for a while. Meanwhile, John mentions that it is getting close to the time of the Passover festival. People are asking about Jesus, wondering if he will be there.

Apart from all this activity, Jesus bides his time. Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus arrives in Bethany.

I wanted to stop here in John’s Gospel to enjoy this moment. There has been a lot of conflict and angry words aimed at Jesus before this day. There will be more challenges in the days ahead leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. This day is special. This is a day to celebrate. The man who raised Lazarus from the dead was in town. The family of Lazarus wants Jesus to be the guest of honor at a dinner. I imagine that there was a lot of excitement in Bethany that day!

Let’s Discuss: If Jesus had raised someone you love from the dead, and then come back into town for a visit, what would you do to honor Jesus?

2 Replies to “Celebration – John 12: 1-2”

  1. That is a great question because it is very real. I think Jesus has given life to people I love who have gone to be with Him. I am very grateful that my dad is absent in the body, but present with the Lord due to his faith in Jesus and Jesus keeping His promise. I also think Jesus is ready to visit anytime I let Him. I can thank Him and honor Him at any time (Hebrews 4: 14 – 16).

  2. Well, I guess we do the very thing he wants us to do. Follow him! If someone had raised one of my close family members back from the grave, I would probably be very committed to that person. As Pastor Rich was saying, Jesus has done so much more than just raise us from physical death!

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