Fragrance – John 12: 3

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

Jesus has been invited to be the guest of honor in Bethany. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are honoring their Lord. This would not have been a casual affair, at least not as I picture it. I see smiles and joy, but also a room full of awe. All the people in the house are in the presence of the one called Jesus, the one who raised Lazarus from the dead.

As the meal progressed, Mary comes and sits at Jesus’ feet. Luke 10: 38-42 records that this was not the first time Mary had sat at the feet of Jesus. The first time she sat in awe of what he said. This time she is in awe of who Jesus is.

In my mind’s eye, the room is full of people, and Jesus is the center of attention. The aroma of nard fills the room. Conversation stops, and now Mary is the center of attention. What is she doing?

If some looked at her with questioning eyes, Jesus looks at her with love. He knows what is in her heart, and knows why she is opening the perfume.

When she pours the perfume on His feet, Jesus does not feel awkward or look embarrassed.

As the silence grows, all eyes are drawn to this magical scene. The perfume fills the room and seems to fill the senses as a symphony fills the ears.

Oblivious to the eyes looking at her, Mary lets down her hair and wipes her Lord’s feet. Quietly, with a servant’s heart, Mary is demonstrating what Jesus would later teach his disciples.

Let’s Discuss: What can we do for Jesus that comes close to what Mary did?

6 Replies to “Fragrance – John 12: 3”

  1. Great question. Loving and adoring worship is what immediately comes to mind. Worship is the one thing I can give Him that He does not already have and that He truly desires.

    1. Robster,
      You have struck gold! Honoring God’s holy name is the first step in the Lord’s Prayer! (I learned that at the prayer seminar this week.)
      God does indeed want us to honor his Holy Name!!

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