Perfect Moment – John 12: 4-6

But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, ”Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

Have you ever experienced a perfect moment? Was it in a novel, a movie, a television ad with two people running towards each other in a field of flowers? Maybe it was even in real life?

This moment that Jesus and Mary were sharing, as she wiped the nard from his feet with her hair, was perfect. Jesus, Creator of the Universe, Giver of Life reclined at the table. Mary, one whom Jesus had freed from the power of Satan, whose brother is saved by Jesus, humbly washing his feet.

Normally washing someone’s feet was a degrading job. Lowly servants would be tasked with this job. Haul the water. Bring the towel. Remove the sandals. Wash the feet. Dry them. All while suffering the humiliation of being perceived as a necessary inconvenience.

Mary turns this simple act around and makes it holy. She anoints Jesus’ feet with a fortune in nard. Instead of a towel, she wipes his feet with her hair. She adores him! She loves him. She honors him.

Into this perfect moment comes Judas. He breaks the mood and ridicules Mary. In effect, he is chastising Jesus for allowing such “waste.” In the midst of this banquet in Jesus’ honor, Judas makes himself the center of attention and tries to shame Mary in the process.

Let’s Discuss: How does this ‘Judas moment’ symbolize our life on earth?

7 Replies to “Perfect Moment – John 12: 4-6”

  1. In some ways it is a fitting metaphor for what we experience on this earth. Even for many of us as followers of Jesus, too much of the time is spent in worldly pursuits and affairs. We can tend to downplay the important for the sake of the urgent. We can lose the pursuit of Jesus for competing life issues or the preconceived values of others. What I desperately need to do is sit at the feet of Jesus. As I do, there are other concerns and people screaming for my attention and rebuking the time spent with the Savior. It is a battle, but one worth fighting.

    1. Thanks Rich! I thought the question was a bit challenging. I found myself torn between the joy of the moment and the intrusion of Judas’ crassness. Yet isn’t that typical of life on earth? Even in the most perfect of moments, it seems there is a fly in the ointment. Sometimes that “fly” is me. I hate when that happens, yet it sometimes does. The upside is that helps me understand when others do the same. We are all victims of a sinful “body of death” as Paul writes in Romans 7.

  2. This story convicts me greatly. When I sincerely think of one years wages be used in a single moment, the cost blows me away. I doubt I would have done it if I were in her place…although I may have used a little.

    I count the cost, and forget that God can provide gallons of perfume at any time for His pleasure. Yet He would rather have me faithfully following in my fullest effort. It so easy to hold back.

      1. What does the cost of it have to do with anything when he is such a great provider, anything I have that is good is because of him.

  3. From just the aspect of Judas ruining a special moment: For me, it’s a good reminder to stop and think before speaking or acting in order to consider what is my motivation for what I’m about to do. A large foot like mine can still fit in my larger mouth, but it is so much more comfortable not to put it there in the first place.

    Have a great weekend! We are going to be out of town celebrating our 20th anniversary.


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