Pointer – John 12: 9

Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.

As people gather around the house that Jesus is in, the crowd grows. Already the small dwelling was full. Jesus’ disciples, and the friends and family that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus may have invited are there. Now the crowd presses in.

Lazarus has become a sort of celebrity. Once dead, now alive, I am sure people had many questions for him. In every case, I suspect that the answer Lazarus gave was, “Jesus.”

Jesus, his feet now bathed in perfume, carried the fragrance with him as he walked. So did Mary, whose hair was full of the perfume. What would people have thought? Knowing what we know about Jesus and about Mary we can be sure that there was no misunderstanding. Mary had honored her Lord. Any questions about what was going end up pointing to Jesus.

Jesus is now surrounded by loved ones who point to him as their savior, their Lord, their God. There are no longer any questions about who these people think Jesus is.

Let’s Discuss: How do our lives point to Jesus?

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