Humility – John 12: 14-16

Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:
”Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion;
    see, your king is coming,
    seated on a donkey’s colt.”
At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.

These days, if visiting royalty were to come to town, or the President of the country, or even the Pope, they would be conveyed in a very nice limousine. They would also be accompanied by other people in more limousines. They might even have a police escort or other security around them.

Years before Jesus’ time, in the days of King David, people did something similar. When David’s son, Absalom, was plotting to take over the kingdom, he exalted himself by buying the fanciest chariot he could and then hiring fifty men to run ahead of him. (2 Samuel 15: 1)

Throughout time, the more important the person, the fancier the car, and the more people they have attending them.

Enter Jesus.

His transportation is a young donkey. This would be akin to riding in a 1968 Volkswagen bug today. Nothing fancy.

He has no entourage. His disciples are there, but they do not act as guards or gatekeepers. They are following along trying to figure out what is happening.

Jesus is a king, yes. But he is not an ordinary king.

He is a humble king. A man of the people in a way. Someone who cares for the poor. Only later, after the insanity of the days that would follow, would Jesus’ disciples put the pieces of the puzzle together. Only then would they understand what it was all about.

Let’s Discuss: If you could have been there watching Jesus ride into town, how do you imagine the scene would have affected you?

4 Replies to “Humility – John 12: 14-16”

  1. I have always been amazed by the humility of the King of the Universe. Matthew 11: 29 tells us that His heart is humble and gentle. Zechariah 9: 9, which is the prophecy Jesus’ triumphal entry fulfilled, had Him as “lowly” or humble and riding on a donkey. If i were there, I imagine I would once again be amazed at His humility, especially considering who He is.

  2. Rich,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I think back to when the five thousand wanted to make Jesus king by force. Finally he accedes to their desire! Only he is not quite the kind of king that they expected.

  3. I would be excited for what came next. Here comes the man who raised the dead and healed the blind! What will he do next. He doesn’t look like the pompous Romans or Pharisees, but in that is a good thing.

    I think that is what I would have thought.

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