Greeks – John 12: 20-22

Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. ”Sir,” they said, ”we would like to see Jesus.” Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus.

John’s gospel has a very distinct tone and pace to the writing. We start out, “In the beginning…” (John 1:1) and move through a series of stories that all focus on the divinity of Jesus. As Jesus begins his ministry, the story embraces conflict with the Pharisees. Even this speaks to the divinity of Jesus. Eventually, we come to this verse about some visiting Greeks.


Who are these Greeks? Why are they in this story about Jews? Why do they want to see Jesus? Why now, right at this point where Jesus comes to Jerusalem knowing he must die?

Even though this passage might seem out of place, it still speaks of Jesus. It also provides a kind of turning point in the gospel story.

Jewish law allowed for those who were not Jews to worship God at Jerusalem. There were restrictions, but they could worship God.

This is the peak of Jesus’ ministry. People coming from as far away as Greece (almost 900 miles away as the crow flies) were intrigued by Jesus. How far had word of Him spread?

These Gentiles might well represent you and me in this story!

Let’s Discuss: As a Gentile, what questions would you have liked to ask Jesus if you lived in his day and could see him?

2 Replies to “Greeks – John 12: 20-22”

  1. Wow. That would be quite an opportunity. I think I would be wanting to know truths of specific theological debates. Or perhaps I would have Him tell me what He taught to the two men on the road to Emmaus. Having Him explain all of the Old Testament texts that speak of Him would be fascinating. Yet, I hope I would simply sit at His feet and worship. Ironically, I can do that right now.

    1. Thanks, Rich!
      I suspect that being in the presence of Jesus might be a kind of answer all by itself. Sometimes our questions bring with them a forced perspective. Jesus had a habit of answering the question behind the question. That could be really unsettling. I think I would probably join you just sitting at His feet and worshipping. In fact, I will! 🙂

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