H-Hour – John 12: 23

Jesus replied, ”The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”

Clear back in John 2:4, Jesus tells people that his hour has not yet come. John repeats this fact in chapters 7 and 8. Beginning here in chapter 12, Jesus says that the hour has now come.

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces invaded northern France by landing on the beaches of Normandy. The day of the invasion was called “D-Day.” In military lingo, the “D” stood for “Day.” Not just any day though, but THE DAY.

Those of us who live on this planet are bound by the days and nights caused by the rotation of the earth. God’s time clock operates on a much greater scale. Psalm 90:4 tells us that a thousand years are like a day in God’s sight.

Jesus, it seems, measured his time on earth in hours.

Let’s Discuss: As people get older time seems to go by faster. How much would your perspective on time change if you lived to be a thousand years old? How does this help you understand Jesus’ perspective?

3 Replies to “H-Hour – John 12: 23”

  1. Well, if you think about it, America has only been around for about 250 years! I can’t imagine what it would be like to be living at the start of America, or even before that, but I bet I’d learn that everything is constantly changing. I bet I’d be able to see past mundane things and focus on the things that really matter. And I think that’s what we see Jesus do all through the Gospels.

    1. J –
      Great point! I think one’s focus would change, too. I certainly agree that Jesus speaks from that kind of focus.

  2. It would help me think and focus on the most important things. I see this in all that Jesus does, but he also doesn’t neglect being truly present with people. Then consider the eternal perspective for us – I wonder/speculate that this eternal perspective will be part of how sin will no longer be a part of our experience.

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