Pondering – John 12: 31-33

“Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.

Keeping up with Jesus can be difficult! He is a man, yes, but he is also God. He speaks from the perspective of one who knows God the Father first hand. He speaks as one who has existed before time and who has seen the earth from a heavenly perspective. When he speaks, it is almost always about things beyond everyone else’s experience.

In this passage, he speaks about judgment on this world. What is God’s view of that? Is this like the judgment of the flood in Noah’s day? He is referring to his coming crucifixion, but what exactly does he mean?

He also speaks about driving out the “prince of this world.” In other passages, Beelzebul is referred to as the “prince of demons.” Is this a reference to Satan being driven out?

Jesus says these things will happen “now.” But we already know that Jesus’ perspective on time is much different than ours here on earth. What does “now” mean to Jesus?

The only part of this passage that seems clear to me is the part about Jesus being lifted up from the earth. That literally happens when he is crucified. So, of course, John explains this part of the passage and leaves the rest for us to ponder. Sometimes I think that is why we have these types of passages. God wants us to ponder.

Let’s Discuss: Does this passage seem clear to you or do you find yourself pondering the meaning of Jesus’ words? Is pondering a good thing?

2 Replies to “Pondering – John 12: 31-33”

  1. I think the hard part of what Jesus is saying is the now and then perspective. Some things were defeated in His “now” at the cross. Satan, sin, death are defeated enemies… But we still experience them because they are not destroyed yet. That is the “then” part of His dialogue. The then being when He returns in glory. Now they have been judged, then they will be destroyed. At least, that is what I see throughout Scripture.

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