Then Jesus told them, ”You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.
At night, if I have to get up to use the bathroom, there are all kinds of visual clues that help me navigate the dark room. The green glow from my wife’s digital clock. The pale light from the nightlight in the bathroom. The gentle yellow light peeking out from my alarm clock that says the alarm is “ON.” There is also a power strip on the floor beside my bed. I always know I am past the sharp edge of our bed frame when I can see the red light from the power cord switch.
All in all, there is a lot of light in our bedroom at night. If the power goes off, it is a very different story. Then all the lights in the house go out, and there is utter darkness. Not even any light from the street lights out front. Just blackness.
Walking around in that kind of dark is dangerous and slow.
Even at night, if there are lights to navigate by, that can be enough. Light is essential if you want to get around without banging into walls or sharp edges.
The darkness and light Jesus is talking about is in the land where our minds exist. It is where we think and make decisions. If we make decisions in the dark, the results are most likely not going to be pretty. If we navigate by the light of our Lord, we will be able to find our way. Even though Jesus had to go away, he offers the opportunity to be His family, children of God. Literally children of the light. (John 1:4) When we have the light of God in us, everything becomes clear.
Let’s Discuss: What is it like to walk in the Light?
It gives me confidence (prevents stubbed toes too)
Seeing truth clearly is a blessing I do not take for granted (at least I hope I do not take it for granted).
I appreciate the comments! Thank you.
Personally I find a great deal of peace associated with being in the light. Things that used to cause me a great deal of worry no longer seem to hold any power over me.
I guess if I fill my time in God’s word, prayer, and Christian fellowship, chances are I’m on the right track. Chances are there’ll be light to guide me.
It’s so easy to see that when I forget to read the Bible, pray, and be in contact with my brothers in Christ, my Light shrinks. And how much more easy it is to be tripped up on sin without that illumination!
J Glasgow
Nicely said!
Life is more of a process than a checkbox. Avoiding sin is not just avoiding a checkbox (at least I didn’t do that [fill in the blank] today!). It is stumbling around in the dark. Jesus offers us His light through all the things you mention.
Thank you!