WYSIWYG – John 12: 44-45

Then Jesus cried out, ”Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.”

In the early days of personal computing (This would have been late 80’s or early 90’s in my world) computers were sort of a glorified typewriter. Getting a paper printout that looked like a professionally typeset page was next to impossible. Even if the software you had was good enough, there was another level of frustration waiting in getting a printer to print what you wanted.

Then some genius came up with WYSIWYG. This stands for “What You See Is What You Get.” It was the beginning of being able to print what you saw on your computer screen and have it look exactly the same way on the printed page.

People in Jesus’ day were used to hearing what righteousness was supposed to be about. They just never seemed to see it in real life. Until Jesus. When Jesus started His ministry, people caught a glimpse of the Real Deal. God incarnate talked the talk and walked the walk. He forgave sins, he healed infirmities, he cast out demons and he confronted the phony-baloney establishment.

Jesus might not have been much to look at (Isaiah 53: 2-3) but he was everything God wanted Him to be.

Let’s Discuss: How does Jesus help you relate to God?

4 Replies to “WYSIWYG – John 12: 44-45”

  1. His prayers help me to know God. It gives a personal glimpse of how the Father and the Son relate to one another.

  2. Sometimes, God feels so distant. This is not true, of course. God is with us always, but since he is so powerful, so perfect, sometimes I find it hard to relate.
    Jesus, on the other hand, is definitely more relatable. He went through the ups in downs in life (only with a perfect attitude), and experienced what it’s like to be a common blue collar participant of the rat race.
    It gives me a sneak peek on how our God is really like. Patient, kind, steadfast. And then I can add those attributes of Christ to my initial view of God(perfect and powerful) and I start to get a bigger picture on what God really is like.

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