Fear – John 12: 46

Fear: Man running from light into darkness

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

Why would anyone want to stay in darkness? I can think of one reason: They don’t want to be seen.

And why would someone want to avoid being seen: Maybe because they don’t want to get caught doing what they are doing?

To believe in the light is to want to be in the light. Not everyone who wants to be in the light can be. In Jesus’ day, slavery was rampant. The Jews themselves were subject to the Romans. Lives were difficult and physically demanding. Achieving wealth was possible only for the very few. Today we live in a deeply divided world. Not only are we divided by wealth into the haves and have nots, but we are divided by our fears.

Those who live in the darkness of their fears are sometimes trapped by those fears. Some want to get out. Some believe in the fear.

Jesus offers us an alternative to fear. It is as simple as believing in Jesus. When that happens, the light breaks in and the darkness starts to fade.

Let’s Discuss: How can we share the light of God with others?

2 Replies to “Fear – John 12: 46”

  1. One way to encapsulate this might be: Prayer, care, share. If we pray for the lost that we know, then I believe that puts God’s power to work and helps us to be mindful of their needs. Then we can look for ways to practically care for them and share with them. In fact, caring could lead to a sharing opportunity. Looking for bridges and opportunities that God provides will often lead to action.

  2. Brother Rich,
    Thank you for sharing! I like that: Prayer / Care / Share
    What a great formula for bringing others into the light and sharing the light with those in darkness.

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