Ambassador Jesus – John 12: 49-50

For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.

A good ambassador is one who is faithful to their mission. They speak only what they have been authorized to speak. They do not agree to anything that they have not received approval for.

This can be a tough job. Who doesn’t want to look good in front of people you are trying to impress? Life is so much easier if you can “grease the skids” a bit by agreeing to give up something to the people you are negotiating with. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Probably no one will ever find out. Really, who is going to care?

The temptation is real enough. It is hard to hold the line you have been told to hold, especially if you do not understand why the line is there. Our Lord understood the Father’s mission for Him. He was faithful to His mission in every way. He did not succumb to temptation, or bend to pressure. Our Lord held fast during His time on earth. He sets the bar high and challenges us to do the same.

Let’s Discuss:

How much of our day should be devoted to representing the Father’s will?

2 Replies to “Ambassador Jesus – John 12: 49-50”

  1. All of it! We are to be holy like He is holy – a terrifyingly wonderful command. Christians are set apart for righteousness and the work of our Lord.

  2. I agree with Nathan. Every second and every breath should be devoted to the Lord and accomplishing His will. Much easier said than done, but that is the target.

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