Mystery – John 13: 3

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God…

If this were a mystery story we would want to know what Jesus knew and when he knew it. John tells us what Jesus knew. He knows that all things are under his power. Presumably that means all things. Even Judas. Even the Romans.

John also tells us that Jesus knows where he had come from and where he was going. That alone is worth a blog post. Who among us knows where they are going? Do you know someone who has a plan for their life and is on a mission? Is this person spectacularly successful? Do they really know where they are going or is there an element of chance in their life?

The real mystery is how did Jesus know? Again and again, in John’s gospel John points to the fact that Jesus is more than just a man. He is a Traveler. He has come from someplace and is going someplace. His time in the Middle East was short but powerful. In three years Jesus changed the world forever.

All we have to go on is the written record. And the fact that the men who knew Jesus chose to die rather than deny Him. Oh, and also the fact that thousands of people who were contemporaries of the disciples chose to commit their lives to Jesus. And then, there is the church. Flawed as any human institution can be, yet it still exists. It is still growing. Over two thousand years of continuous existence. People still discover for themselves that Jesus is not just a person in a story, but a living being. One who wants to give each of us the gift of life.

You can know Jesus, too, if you want to. Just ask. He always answers.

Let’s Discuss: What does it mean to you that Jesus knows things about God, heaven, and people’s hearts that no one else can know?

4 Replies to “Mystery – John 13: 3”

  1. He is God. Only God is all knowing. It is a comfort that whatever happens in my life, none of it surprises the Lord and He can provide the help and strength that I need because He is also all powerful and benevolent.

  2. Hi Rich,
    Thank you for sharing! I always appreciate your insights.
    I was reading in Job today, chapter 28, and in the last verse Job says, “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.” (ESV) This passage seems to combine the two recent threads here: Avoiding the mistakes of Judas and recognizing the total power and awesomeness of our Lord and God, Jesus.

  3. Gen. 1:26, 2:7 and John 1:1, 2 & 14 sum up God’ understanding of, and relationship to, mankind. Man may not do God’s will, but we cannot thwart his plan. Rev. 4:11 & Rev. 20 & 21.

    1. Hi JEC! Thanks for sharing your knowledge of the Word! You make a great point. As Creator of all that is living Jesus knows how we are wired and what makes us tick.

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