Secret Place – John 13: 27b-30a

So Jesus told him, ”What you are about to do, do quickly.” But no one at the meal understood why Jesus said this to him. Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought Jesus was telling him to buy what was needed for the festival, or to give something to the poor. As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out.

When Jesus gave the bread to Judas Iscariot, there were only two people in the room who knew what was going on. Judas, who thought what he was doing was in secret was one. Jesus, who is God and knows everything and everyone’s heart was the other.

At this point, Judas has already made arrangements with the Pharisees to betray Jesus. He has collected his thirty pieces of silver and is carrying the dirty money with him. (We know this because he later tried to give it back to the Pharisees.) As he accepts the bread from Jesus’ hand he must have looked at Jesus.

Inside each of us is a secret place where we keep our innermost thoughts. They are safe there from prying eyes, but not from God. When Judas looked at Jesus to receive the bread, he was looking into the eyes of one who knew every secret thought he ever had. Up to that point Judas had thought his secret was safe. When he looked at Jesus did he understand that Jesus knew what was in his heart?

The great deception that Satan tries to pull over on us is the idea that we can keep secrets from God. It is easy to believe because we want to believe it is true. It is easy to rationalize because Jesus is in heaven and we are down here. Yet God knows everything. We can pretend that we have a secret place, but God isn’t fooled. If that is what we believe, we are only kidding ourselves.

Let’s Discuss: What changes in a person when they realize that their “secret place” isn’t really safe from God?

6 Replies to “Secret Place – John 13: 27b-30a”

  1. Guilt, fear, and shame is usually the first response – it is for me when I think about this truth and it was for Adam/Eve. I think these are appropriate responses because without the cross we have every reason to be afraid and ashamed as we are guilty before a holy God.

    however, God is not only the just judge, but also the loving savior! At this point my thinking turns to astonished thankfulness. I receive forgiveness I don’t deserve – our God truly is gracious and kind.

    1. Nathan,
      Thank you for your words. It is so true that we are humbled by the truth of God’s knowledge of us. Even more so His forgiveness!

  2. I think I would behave differently at times if I truly understood that God is always watching. So, do I really understand that is my question to myself. Thankfully, while Hebrews 4:13 is true, so is Romans 5:8

    1. Rich,
      Nice verses!!
      Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13
      But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
      We do have a gracious and loving God!! Amen!

  3. I appreciate what Nathan shared concerning this and I think it is spot on. Concerning Rich’s point is where I know I have my own blind spot.

    In my head, I realize that God is fully aware–even of that which I’m not–but this is not always a truth that I force myself to reflect upon throughout my day, particularly when I want to get away with something.

    This is nothing new,

    “Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?”
    – Isaiah 40:27

    I think it is in our fallen nature to react and respond to only that which has immediate affect within our lives (even when God is very much a part of our thinking and culture) and as Jeff has pointed out concerning that which is transpiring within our mere temporal surroundings.

    Living by faith requires a projection of these deeper truths into our reality that we cannot see. Deception is also mentioned, and I think a layer of it takes root in just how easily this reaction of ours can take shelter outside the view of our own rational inspection.

    We allow ourselves a convenient form of doublethink here. I am amazed at how often I believe in my heart that something is relatively “hidden” but this is insanity with what I know to be true.

    I think this is something I have to constantly be re-realizing as I grow and the Lord reveals more to me; including those things I’m hiding behind my rational mind that are deeply lodged within the heart of my old self.

    Thanks everyone, this encourages me and I can see a practical application of how to,

    “…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

    1. NMOP3PISdn
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I like the term “doublethink.” It describes well the human tendency to indulge in hypocrisy and rationalize it as being consistent because … well, you know. Just because! 🙂

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