Later – John 13: 36

Simon Peter asked him, ”Lord, where are you going?”
Jesus replied, ”Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.”

Peter wants to know where Jesus is going. He is thinking in human terms, like the Pharisees. Jesus, of course, is speaking from a heavenly point of view. Jesus knows where he is going.

When Jesus says “…you cannot follow now, but you will follow later,” we see a foreshadowing of Peter’s fate. He, too, will be crucified. Thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, he will also see Jesus in Heaven.

Let’s Discuss: How does knowing Jesus affect where you are going?

6 Replies to “Later – John 13: 36”

  1. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Knowing Jesus is the determining factor affecting where we are going.

  2. Exactly as Rich said! We follow along one of two ways – the way of Light and Life following Jesus OR the way of Deception and Death following Satan.

  3. Nathan,
    Well said. Unfortunately, the Evil One is very good and clouding the truth. We need to be paying attention to God calling us into the light.

  4. I affirm this, knowing Jesus–intimately and not simply as the devils know him–is everything! Christ will say to every man on that day, either to enter into the his Kingdom, or to depart from him and that he never knew them.

    1. Hi NMOP3PISdn!
      Interesting point. The demons do know Jesus, but that knowledge alone does not change where they are going, unless it is to run from His presence! For those of us called to be part of his kingdom knowing Jesus both informs us of our ultimate destination and guides us in our travels in this world, too.

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