Mirror Mirror – John 13: 37-38

Peter asked, ”Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
Then Jesus answered, ”Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!”

How well do we remember what we really look like?

Not on the outside, although my mirror continues to surprise me most days. But what does our life look like from God’s perspective?

God is timeless. He sees the beginning and the end at one time. This episode with Peter tells me that He sees not only the good and the bad I have done in the past but he also knows what I will do in the future. He sees it all.

In this passage, Jesus (God) reflects back to Peter who he really is. Peter thinks he is fearless. God knows how far that will actually carry him. Jesus gently reflects back to Peter how He sees him. The image Peter sees is not pretty. He doesn’t want to believe it.

The sad part about my life is I have forgotten most of the bad stuff I have done. Psychologically this is a healthy thing. I would not be very happy if I remembered every embarrassing moment. The sad part is I forget how much God has really had to forgive when he invited me into His family. Some things are good to remember. It is good to remember what our Lord has actually done for us.

Let’s Discuss: Does it make any difference in your relationship with Jesus if you remember or forget your past?

8 Replies to “Mirror Mirror – John 13: 37-38”

  1. I want to remember my need for my Savior, forget what Satan keeps bringing up, and be thankful that because of what Jesus did my sin is removed.

  2. I think it is the ‘type’ of the aspects of my past and the emphasis I give to them that matter most to my relationship with God.

    Too much clarity and insight into the darkness in me and my past might be overwhelming; yet I should not forget my previous state and what I have been rescued from.

    On the other hand, too little focus on the good that is in the past because of the walk following Christ, and I can lose touch with how much he really has worked good changes.

    Great topic to roll around the brain on a sleepless night!


    1. BrentG,
      I’m sorry you were not able to sleep! Glad you had something interesting to think about, though. I can really relate to the “overwhelming” aspect of my past and present failures. Some days it is all I can do to crawl to the foot of the cross and just hang on.

  3. If I forget how much of a sinner I am, then I tend to become arrogant in a sort of ‘I can do all things through me’ attitude. Of course, this does not end pleasantly at all!

  4. I try to remember as I need to be wary of past weaknesses and thankful for God’s great forgiveness. I think it is also important to remember that we are forgiven so that we don’t get bogged down with guilt that Jesus has already covered. There is an important balance here.

    1. Thanks Nathan,
      Isn’t it wonderful that we have a God who has made such lavish provisions for our need to be forgiven?!

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