Believe – John 14: 1b

The book reads, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

You believe in God; believe also in me.

A prerequisite for believing in Jesus is believing in God. The Jews already believed in God, they just didn’t know Him very well. The Gentiles in the days of the early apostles all believed in gods, too. They simply didn’t know about the real God. Today we are confronted by a new thing. People believe that everything, including life, thought, and emotion is some kind of cosmic accident.

To the Jews, Jesus said, “You believe in God…”. In essence, he is speaking to the only race of people on the planet that had a unique and ongoing relationship with the Creator of All That Exists. When God spoke to His people, he told them about the coming Messiah. They heard the message but they did not understand it.

Jesus was the point of the whole message. He was and is what the Old Testament points to. Because he arrived as a baby child in Bethlehem and later grew up in the disreputable town of Nazareth, the Jews could not accept that he was who he said he was.

Here Jesus says plainly, “… believe also in me.”


Because of his miracles? Because he fulfills thousands of years of prophecy? Because he seems to know things that no human being can know?

He is real. Do what he says. Believe in Him.

Let’s Discuss: Why is it important for you to believe in God and in Jesus as opposed to just one or the other?

5 Replies to “Believe – John 14: 1b”

  1. They are One (John 10: 30; 14: 9). Yahweh Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three Persons, but One essence. To truly have one means to have them all. I can’t have the Father but not the Son. I can’t have the Son but not the Spirit (Romans 8: 9). Jesus is our Savior, without Him there is no hope (John 14: 6). We need Him and He is Yahweh.

  2. Agreed, any believe in God that doesn’t include Jesus is incomplete. I also think it is important to specifically recognize and believe in what Jesus has done on our behalf. He is the one who lived perfectly and died on our behalf.

  3. Amen. Jesus is the only one who could, and did, die for my sins. John 3:16-18.

  4. Isn’t it wonderful how our God’s Word and history appeal to our sense of reason as well as our hearts? The more we know about God’s Word and what He tells us, the more we understand why Jesus had to be born, live and sacrifice Himself for our sin. The more we know the risen Lord and His Holy Spirit, the more our hearts long to know our God directly.

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