Evidence – John 14: 11

Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.

When Jesus says, “Believe me when I say…” it sounds like a command. But then he adds, “… or at least…” which sounds much different. Almost like he is pleading. Then there is the fact that he repeats this theme over and over again, almost a dozen times throughout John alone by my count.

This concept of Jesus and the Father being one is important. Jesus himself makes this case by repeating it so often. Jesus wants us to believe so badly that he even resorts to reason; “… at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.”

What kind of “evidence” does Jesus offer? Oh… nothing too spectacular. Just curing diseases, walking on water, raising the dead, feeding thousands of people with one little boy’s lunch.

Let’s Discuss: Is there enough evidence to believe what Jesus says about the Father being in Him?

6 Replies to “Evidence – John 14: 11”

  1. Absolutely. The evidence is compelling. It is my heart that is the problem.

  2. I do think there is evidence, but also feel there is an element of faith that goes beyond the evidence. Fortunately, it only takes faith the size if a mustard seed… I’m s lucky guy.

    Happy Thursday

    1. Hi RS!
      Faith is a requirement for so many things. We can sleep at night without worrying about the sun coming up tomorrow because we have faith in God’s craftsmanship in building our solar system.

  3. I believe that evidence is a prerequisite but not what causes someone to accept Christ. Only those that the Father calls will be drawn into union with him no matter how much evidence is before them, even if they believe that the Father and Christ are one. Millions of “Christians” believe this today from the evidence, but not unto salvation and sanctification.

    There are others still that need to have their questions answered and any stumbling blocks removed in order to be in a position to receive this, but in the end I believe that only the Holy Ghost can bring this truth to fruition in the heart of man.

    “Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” – Matthew 16 : 15-17

    1. NMOP3PISdn,
      Nice to hear from you! You make an important point. Being called by God is a prerequisite for being able to accept Him as Lord. Fortunately there is also evidence that God is willing to call just about everyone. Jesus even prays forgiveness for those who crucify Him.

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