The Things We Do For Love – John 14: 15

If you love me, keep my commands.

What do you find yourself doing for love? For some that might seem like a funny question. For others, I suspect that doing things “for love” is second nature.

The kind of love Jesus is talking about is “agapaō” in Greek. It is not family love or romantic love. Agapaō is deep respect, a caring, a desire to honor and obey.

Jesus wants us to care about what He wants for us just as He cares for us.

Do we care? Then let’s keep his commands! Now, what was it he wanted us to do?


Oh, yes, love one another. (John 13: 34)

Let’s Discuss: What comes to mind when you think about what it means to love another?

4 Replies to “The Things We Do For Love – John 14: 15”

  1. Sacrifice, commitment, doing God’s intended best for another, putting others ahead of myself. Things Jesus seemed to do that were natural for Him because being God, He is love (1 John 4:8, 16)

  2. This helps give me some perspective for today, thanks for sharing.

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