The Invisible Man – John 14: 17b

The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.

In 1987 H. G. Wells penned a story about a scientist who discovers a way to alter his body’s refractive index, effectively becoming invisible. Unfortunately for the man, the effect could not be reversed, and he remained a kind of monster. In the end, the isolation drives him mad and desperation drives him to crime and to murder.

John writes that the world cannot see or know the Spirit of truth. While this spirit is a wonderful gift, the effect it has on a person is like the potion that made the scientist in the story invisible. A person who knows the truth and acts on the truth will not be accepted by the world. The world does not understand.

In a way, the story is reversed in real life. Instead of the Invisible Man becoming deranged, the world is deranged. The result is the same. The world lashes out at what it does not understand. The world hates the truth. In real life, it is the world that becomes the monster. When a person has the Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him.

Let’s Discuss: How does the world’s rejection of truth affect your life as a believer?

6 Replies to “The Invisible Man – John 14: 17b”

  1. Many ways, our view of the world and what is right or true can be completely opposite. I think of the abortion issue as it has been a controversial topic of late. Two opposed views about the nature of life that strongly reject each other’s view of truth on this issue. Ultimately one will be right and the other wrong – either way the implications are enormous.

  2. As you’ve shared in the past Jeff, the world is insane. Living in such contrasting paradigms creates endless confrontations, misunderstandings and strife. We are in the world, but certainly and thankfully by the grace of God, not of the world.

    1. Nicely said, NMOP3PISdn.
      I find assurance in reading the Bible because it reflects both the insanity of this broken world, and the grace, mercy and truth of our God.

  3. It affects it a lot if I believe their lies. A trap for believers is believing the lie and responding like the world and accepting their values and norms. So perhaps a good sign is their lack of approval.

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