Spirit of Truth – John 14: 17c

But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

In this passage, Jesus is talking about the Spirit of truth. (The Amplified Bible points out this is the Holy Spirit.) Jesus tells the disciples that they already know the Holy Spirit because he lives with them.

I find the distinction between “with you” and “in you” interesting. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit apparently accompanied Jesus and the disciples. Jesus, being from heaven, was aware of this. The disciples, being from earth, were not.

John’s gospel testifies to the presence of the Spirit many times. John the Baptist sees the Spirit descend on Jesus. Jesus teaches Nicodemus that the Spirit is like the wind. In chapter seven Jesus offers the crowds “living water” which John explains meant the Holy Spirit. In today’s passage, Jesus says, “…you know him… he lives with you … [he] will be in you.”

Let’s Discuss: How is having the Holy Spirit live in us different than having him alongside us?

8 Replies to “Spirit of Truth – John 14: 17c”

  1. I’ll start off by going off topic…when the temple was established, people who were unclean were not allowed because God is holy. I don’t think we should linger in sin because the holy spirit doesn’t dwell in an unclean place.

    1. RS – You point out an important truth! God and sin are incompatible. When God, through His Holy Spirit shows us the difference between the two, we need to choose God!

  2. I think that is a great point RS. I love that having The Holy Spirit reside in us is an amazing truth and we don’t want to take that for granted. Immanuel, Jesus, was God with us. The Holy Spirit, our Paraclete, is God in us. What a blessing and humbling truth.

    1. Thanks Rich!
      I love the term “Paraclete.” I heard it described once as a term that applied to a Roman soldier’s battle partner. The Paraclete was someone who always had your back. The Holy Spirit guides us and protects us. Two very important and valuable functions.

  3. Great Discussion! I love talking about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. I think the distinction about how the Spirit eventually is in the believer is super important. The indwelling of the Spirit is permanent and crucial to the sanctification of the believer – making us holy/pure.

    The work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit solves the problem with the temple in the old testament. In both cases sinners are involved and God is holy – so purification and forgiveness of sin is necessary. In Jesus the purification by blood is permanent and complete. We are sanctified-made holy by his blood. The temple of God becomes the Church-believers where the Spirit resides permanently. He enacts the work of sanctification.

    1. Nathan,
      I like how you have explained the relationship between us and the Holy Spirit. Your point illustrates why understanding the Old Testament is so crucial if we want to fully understand the New Testament.

  4. Just stopping by to keep up with the blog, not much to add, but appreciate what everyone is sharing.

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