A New Day – John 14: 20

On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

A new day is coming! It is a day when the disciples understand what Jesus is telling them. It is also a day when the world does not see Jesus, but somehow the disciples do.

What kind of day is this going to be? When is this day going to be?

The day Jesus said this was the day before he would be tried, flogged, and crucified for claiming to be the person he was. Two days later (the third day) he would come out of the tomb, alive. Was that the day Jesus was talking about? After Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit had come upon the disciples with signs and wonders, the disciples were filled with the power of God. Was that the day they knew that Jesus was in them?

We don’t know the exact day Jesus was talking about. What we do know is that what Jesus said was true. We know it because it is still true today.

Let’s Discuss: How do you know that Jesus is in the Father, that you are in Jesus and that Jesus is in you?

4 Replies to “A New Day – John 14: 20”

  1. The context of John chapters 14 to 16 talk a lot about the Holy Spirit. We know from those verses and others that God will be in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Also in context, we see Jesus talking about going back to the Father and sending us the Holy Spirit until He comes for us. Thus, I believe He is referring to the indwelling Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost when He talks about God being in us.

  2. The Holy Spirit!!! I believe Jesus is Lord and has risen from the dead!

  3. I like the different approaches that we all take to this question. I experience Jesus in my life in a personal way. I am guessing we all do in some way. Of course I would not understand without the Bible to explain it to me. It all ties together!

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