Obey – John 14: 23a

Jesus replied, ”Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.”

Obedience is a tough thing. We humans are not naturally obedient. Oftentimes we tend to the opposite end of the spectrum. When we do “obey” it isn’t always because of love.

In my work as a traffic engineer, I study the behavior of people who drive cars. Have you have ever seen two little black tubes stretched across the street when you are driving? Those are what I and other traffic engineers use to keep an eye on what you are doing. The amount of information they collect is amazing.

With the proper equipment, we can know how fast you are going. We can also know what kind of vehicle you are driving. Traffic counters can do this for traffic in two directions at once. When you add all the data collected together certain patterns start to emerge. For example on any given road about half of the drivers will obey the speed limit. The other half will push the limit to varying degrees.

Why do people obey? Do they “love” traffic rules? Maybe some do. Some may fear getting a ticket. Some may associate obeying the law with respecting God and country. The little black box and the rubber tubes cannot tell us why people obey. But God knows.

Jesus knows if you are obeying out of fear, or if you are obeying because you love him. My guess is that he wants your love.

Let’s Discuss: How do you express your love for Jesus?

4 Replies to “Obey – John 14: 23a”

  1. Obedience is certainly one measure. It is wise to obey, but can also be a sign of love. While obedience is not love, it is one way to display love. And while there are many motives to obey and love is not the only one, disobedience is a sign that something is wrong with our heart toward our Creator. Other ways to show love could be spending time with Jesus, getting to know Him through the word and prayer. Loving others in His name and trying to serve Him are further demonstrations of love.

    1. The thing about “obedience” in this context is that it seems to me it is an obedience of the heart, rather than the mind.

  2. Worship. Not just singing songs but living life as an act of worship. Wonder and thankfulness at what God made and joy in serving him.

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