God Calling – John 14: 25-26

All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

In the beginning, God spoke to a select few people. He spoke with Adam and Eve, then Cain and Able. He spoke with Enoch whom he took up to be with him. He spoke with Job, Abraham, and others. He spoke through Moses to the people of Israel. Then he spoke through the prophets.

When Jesus came to earth, God spoke to people as men speak; face to face. For a few short years, the living God lived as a man. Today’s passage marks the last day Jesus would have with his disciples. In this passage, Jesus looks forward to a time when God speaks to all who will listen through his Holy Spirit.

The Spirit teaches the disciples all things and reminds them of what Jesus said while he was living among them. I believe that the Spirit does the same for us, too. If we are willing to listen and do what the Spirit tells us to do, we can learn to walk with God.

Let’s Discuss: How do we know when the Spirit is speaking to us?

4 Replies to “God Calling – John 14: 25-26”

  1. One way to determine this is if what we believe the Spirit is saying to us is consistent with God’s word and known will.

  2. Rich,
    You put me in mind of the Bereans Luke writes about in Luke 17: 10-15. They, “…examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” The same principle applies to the Spirit. If it is the Spirit, it will be in harmony with God’s Word.

  3. After reading this I was going to say the same thing as Rich. The reference to the Bereans is nice. I have a story about this that I want to share at some point down the road if I can remember.

    1. Hi NMOP3PISdn,
      I hope you remember your story! God’s Word is like a chalk line to a carpenter. It is what we measure everything else from.

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