Peace – John 14: 27a

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

When do you need God’s peace most?

Sometimes when I am awake in the middle of the night, my mind churns over the problems of the day. Sometimes Satan seems to use these lonely times to remind me of my shortcomings. The lack of peace can be excruciating.

When I come to my senses, I remember what Jesus says in today’s verse. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”

When I place myself at the foot of the cross I remember who Jesus is. Jesus is the miracle worker who can heal any illness, even death. He is the master of the physical universe, walking on water and later walking through walls. He is the Author of Life and the One who is able and willing to forgive sin.

Being in Jesus is the safest, most secure place in all creation. To know Jesus is to know freedom from worry or anxiety. To know Jesus is to be at peace.

Let’s Discuss: What does having God’s peace mean to you?

4 Replies to “Peace – John 14: 27a”

  1. I don’t have to be afraid of anything in this life or the next. My relationship with God is one of peace which gives me confidence now and later.

    1. Amen, Rich! I remember being horribly afraid of death when I was younger. Knowing Jesus gives me confidence to face the unknown. Being unafraid because I know my Creator is one definition of peace.

  2. His peace keeps our hearts and minds, yet it is beyond all understanding. Philippians 4:7&8 and Isaiah 26:3. I don’t know why I let my heart and mind wander from Him.

    1. Hi JEC,
      Thanks for checking in! I love your comment! Why do we let our hearts and minds wander? That is the price we pay for living in a broken world I suppose.

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