Giving and Getting – John 14: 27b

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Well now, there is an interesting thought! The way that Jesus gives to a person is different than the world’s way. How?

How does the world give?

In my personal experience, the world doesn’t give anything willingly. There is always a string attached somewhere. Even with friends, there seems to be a “tit for tat” mentality. If you borrow a tool, they seem to feel entitled to expect something back from you. I remember getting a job once and the fellow that had told me about the job opening felt that I owed him something. A few weeks after getting the job he suggested that should want to mow his lawn for him. Wow… thanks, buddy!

How does Jesus give?

Well, one thing that is different is that there is nothing I have that Jesus needs or wants from me, except love and obedience. So yes, he does want something, but why? From what I have seen in reading the Bible it seems to me the reason Jesus wants us to love and obey is because that is what we were originally made to do. It also has something to do with God’s perfect will for us and him knowing what we need. When we love and obey our Lord, we are actually fulfilling our highest and best purpose. When we love and obey we receive much, much more than we can ever give.

Let’s Discuss: How do you describe the difference between how the world gives and how Jesus gives?

2 Replies to “Giving and Getting – John 14: 27b”

  1. Jesus gives selflessly for our benefit. A person can chose to do that who is not Jesus. Parents do that all the time. Yet, when we do, it is because we are created in His image and are following His example. Jesus always gives selflessly and for our benefit. He does this all the time for every person because it is His nature. Even when we are asked to love Him and worship Him, we need that. He desires it but we need it to be who we were created to be.

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