You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
There are many things about this verse that we could discuss. Jesus refers to what he said a few minutes earlier in verses 2 and 3, and also in verse 12. “I am going away and I am coming back…” Jesus sounds like a parent talking to a child.
Then he says, “If you loved me…” Taken at face value it sounds like he is saying that the disciples do not really know how to love him yet. That makes sense because they do not yet have the Holy Spirit. Only after the Holy Spirit is given them do they seem to start to understand what is going on.
The third thing of interest is Jesus’ statement that, “… the Father is greater than I”. I confess that I am one who struggles with the Trinitarian perspective. Thanks to Pastor Rich’s patience and guidance, I have come to see the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit in many places in the Bible. When Jesus says “I and the Father are one,” (John 10: 30) I want to assume certain equivalencies from a human/engineering point of view. But, in God’s economy, “oneness” is not the same as “sameness” or being “equal.”
Perhaps what we should take from this is that once again, Jesus speaks as if he is not from around here. He is human, but so much more. He is here, but he is not from here.
If we know who Jesus is (a person who came from heaven) and if we understand who the Father is (our creator and sustainer) then love (agape) demands that we be glad Jesus is going to be with his Father.
Let’s Discuss: How do you think Jesus felt about going to be with his Father?
I think for Jesus it felt like going home. Jesus always takes a submissive role in relationship to His Father. There are different roles within the Trinity just as there our different roles within a family. My wife and I have different roles, but we are one and equal partners within the family. Family may have different roles, but family is home.
I think he was happy to be returning home, but also afraid of what he had to do before he ascended into heaven.
Thank you for your thoughts! I agree that he was happy to be going home but not happy about the route he had to take. So many things to think on! How did he feel about leaving his disciples? How did he feel about stepping back out of his Creation? Our God is so amazing!