Wish – John 15: 7

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

In the post titled “Wants” (May 18, 2019) we looked at a similar verse. In John 14: 13-14 Jesus says, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” In that post, we talked about the fact that Jesus always does whatever his Father wants.

In today’s verse, Jesus repeats his offer. Only this time there is a clarification of what he means. “If” you remain in Jesus, and “if” Jesus’ words remain in you, whatever you wish will be done for you.

Now the question becomes if you are in Jesus and if his words are in you, what would you wish for? I have a feeling that being in Jesus alters what we wish for.


9 Replies to “Wish – John 15: 7”

  1. Yes, I think remaining in Jesus is reflected by our will matching His. It is not about yielding God’s will to ours, it is about our will be molded to match what God’s perfect will desires.

  2. It’s really ifatory. I think it means not wavering. But everybody does more or less, now and then. Everybody has cycles of waxing and ebbing faith. But I think you’re apt to hear his voice more if you’re determined to devour the scriptures, meditating on them over and over. His word comes to you with the aid of the Holy Spirit. When you need it.

  3. Hmm, I would wish for what he is offering – the hope of eternal life.

  4. To glorify him in everything I do. To share the truth with more people. To encourage other followers. To have him say well done good and faithful servant.

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