Reasons Why – John 15: 8

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

As we listen to Jesus talk, we get to the root of the matter. We learn more and more about the thoughts behind his words. Why does he want us to remain in him? As he begins speaking he explains we are to remain in him so that we can live. Without remaining in him we have no life, no hope, and no future. So from our own perspective, if we want to live we need to be in Jesus.

In today’s verse, we learn that when we bear fruit by remaining in Jesus, we bring glory to God the Father. Of course, this makes sense because everything Jesus does is centered around his Father. Every act and every word brings glory to his Father. Why should this truth be any different?

We also learn something about what it means to bear much fruit. When we show ourselves to be Jesus’ disciples, we are bearing fruit. Now we are getting a sense of what it means to “bear fruit.” Being a disciple is all about Jesus. A disciple listens to Jesus, obeys Jesus, and does his or her best to be like Jesus in terms of being faithful to the Father, loving others, and enduring persecution.

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2 Replies to “Reasons Why – John 15: 8”

  1. Good summation of being a disciple or follower of Jesus. Thank you.

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