Joy – John 15: 11

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

In this chapter Jesus spends considerable time talking about the fact that He is the source of life. If anyone does not remain in Him they can do nothing, and will be “thrown in the fire and burned.” (Notice that this description of Judgement is very non-judgmental. It is of no more consequence than picking up a dead stick from the ground and throwing it into the fire.) Next, Jesus talks about what He will do for the believer, and then he discusses the importance of keeping His commands.

Why? Once again we are faced with questions. Why is Jesus saying this? Why does He want us to remain in Him? Why does he warn us about the fire? The answer, it seems, is Joy.

Jesus, for all his cares and sorrows, is full of joy. It is a joy that comes from being in right relationship with the Father. It is a joy that results from being aligned with the Father’s will. Golfers call this the “sweet spot.” Some people call it being in “the groove.” An old-time phonograph only makes music when the needle is tracking along the groove of the record. Being “in the groove” is what a phonograph was made for. If the word “joy” can be applied to such a simple machine as a record player, then doing what it is made to do brings it joy.

Hopefully, everyone has experienced some joy. The glory of knowing Jesus is that in Him, our joy can be complete.

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3 Replies to “Joy – John 15: 11”

  1. To be thrown in the fire and burned use of a future and Eternal consequences to the one who experiences it. But because of his great love for us and the joy that he would have us experience now instead he warns us. He desires that we might bear fruit for him and in that find our source for fulfillment and satisfaction.

  2. I find it encouraging that when His joy is in us it is complete. He gives this joy and is the source of this joy, whatever the circumstances. To remain in Him is to remain in His joy. If I have an absence of joy, it let’s me know that perhaps I am not remaining in Him as I should

  3. Along with Joy, remaining in him brings security in a world full of danger. I find this to be a consistent source of comfort.

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