The Pieces of the Puzzle – John 15: 15a

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business.

Sometimes things look easy even when they are not. In fact, when someone is really good at something they make it look easy. Have you ever watched professional ice skaters and found yourself thinking, “That doesn’t look so hard”? And then you tried to stand up on skates and discovered that just staying upright was harder than you ever imagined?

There are a million things people do well that require skills and knowledge. What they know is invisible to others. If you want to learn how to do what they do you have to go to the School of Hard Knocks or find someone to teach you. Both ways are expensive.

Jesus spent three years with his disciples. During this time they knew nothing and understood less. Yet Jesus persisted. Now, on the last evening Jesus would spend on earth, he graduates them from servants of the Messiah to friends.

He has explained everything to them. Even though they do not yet understand, they have all the pieces of the puzzle before them. In a few days the Holy Spirit will come and will open their eyes to the truth. Then the pieces of the puzzle will start to fit together and they will understand what Jesus was doing, who He is, and what He is all about.

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6 Replies to “The Pieces of the Puzzle – John 15: 15a”

  1. Well said. We likewise have His words, teaching and the Holy Spirit to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

  2. Yes, what a wonderful thing. We have the entire written Word, the Holy Spirit and the teaching of the disciples through the generations. We are truly blessed beyond all measure.

  3. Agreed, I think a lot about how to accomplish the same task Jesus did with our children and youth. Helping others to put the pieces of the puzzle together. With the disciples it took both time and the work of the Holy Spirit.

  4. Thank you for the comments today! I hadn’t thought about how each of us wrestle with our own “puzzle,” but that is true.

  5. A cognitive fitting together is not that hard for me, to understand Jesus, who he his, etc., (we have so much evidence and testimony to look to) knowing and trusting him is where my old self has trouble fitting those pieces together.

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