Fruit Stand – John 15: 16b

…and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit…

Once again we are back in the Fruit Stand of the Bible. Jesus has appointed those who believe to “go and bear fruit.” What kind of fruit is he talking about?

The word “fruit” can refer to a single kind of fruit such as a grape or an apple. (As she stood in the orchard she looked at the cherries all around her and then she reached out to pick the fruit.) But it is also a generic term that describes an entire category of seed-bearing structures that grow on plants. Did Jesus mean that we should go and bear only one kind of fruit, or was he referring to a variety of fruits?

One of the characteristics of fruit is that it always contains seeds. Seeds are the means that fruit replicates itself. Was Jesus inferring that we should be planting seeds with this fruit we are to bear?

And then there is the practical question of, “What is he talking about?!”

Without going into specifics, I would like to offer this possibility: By obeying Jesus’ command to love each other as God has loved us we plant a seed in those we love. There are many forms this love can take, which is why I do not think Jesus means a specific kind of fruit. Some are missionaries, and some are people who just look out for their neighbor. Yet all can shine the love of God on those around them.

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4 Replies to “Fruit Stand – John 15: 16b”

  1. I always liked my seminary’s slogan and felt they tried their utmost to model it as their practice: “Teach truth and love well.” I think you need both aspects to produce the fruit Jesus is talking about.

  2. I agree with Nathan. Vernon Grounds had a plaque in his honor at Denver Seminary. It stated he spoke the truth in love. A nice sentiment as at the time he was still alive. This became a motto for us there: Speak the truth in love. As Jeff points out, there are many ways to accomplish this. But it is important that we act on this truth. To not act would be very unloving indeed.

  3. The pure things of God seem to stated in the singular, as if there is only one way, even though there are many parts. ( my familiarity is with the KJV) The fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 and doctrine as stated in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 are two that come to mind. Yet we have different ways to do wrong, such as “our righteousness” in Isaiah 64:6.

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