A Spectacular Offer – John 15: 16d

…and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

Have you ever noticed that when people pray to God they often end their prayer with the words, “… in Jesus name?” Have you ever wondered why people do that? I think the answer is in these verses where Jesus says, “…whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” But he is not offering this spectacular offer to just anyone, is he?

Jesus is talking to people who will be “in Him.” They have been instructed to remain in Him. They are to be one with Him. After Jesus ascends into heaven he sends his Holy Spirit to abide in those who remain in Him. There is a oneness implied in such a relationship.

It is the same kind of relationship that Jesus has with His Father. Jesus and the Father are one. The Father would do anything that Jesus asked and Jesus would do anything the Father asked. When it comes to being crucified, Jesus asks to take a pass. The Father would have said yes except for you and I. His love for us is so great that he did not give Jesus the way out that he asked for. Yet even in this moment of conflict, Jesus was clearly obedient and subordinate to the Father’s wishes.

When we ask for something in Jesus’ name, it seems like a good starting point would be in Him. Abiding in Him, remaining in Him, our will commingles with His. Our desires are His and what we ask is something He wants to do.

Does the person who does not abide in Jesus have this same privilege? I think that there are prayers that Jesus answers for all who call on him, but the spectacular offer of “whatever you ask” belongs to His own.

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2 Replies to “A Spectacular Offer – John 15: 16d”

  1. I agree. An important part of receiving what we ask is asking in His Name. Being in His Name implies being in Him in faith and being in His will.

  2. Agreed Rich, using Jesus name as a magic tag on to prayers isn’t the point. (Not that we can’t put his name at the end) It’s about the relationship between Jesus and those who abide him and ask things of him. We pray abiding in Jesus, recognizing who he is and the amazing relationship we have with him.

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