Megaphone – John 15: 17

This is my command: Love each other.

One thing you can say for Jesus: He was not shy about repeating himself! Is there any doubt in your mind after reading these last two chapters that Jesus has one main task for us? Love each other. Not a casual love, not a “feel good” type love, but a Jesus kind of love … sacrificial love.

Let’s Discuss: What comes to mind as a modern day example of sacrificial love?

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3 Replies to “Megaphone – John 15: 17”

  1. I think a parent’s love for their child is one example of this kind of love. It is not perfect like God’s love, but it normally tends to be very sacrificial and unconditional.

    1. Thanks Rich!
      That is certainly my wish for every child: A couple of parents who are willing to make sacrifices for their children!

  2. I have nothing to compare it to. But I’m trying to learn. A love full of kindness. Rich probably said it best.

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