Us vs Them – John 15: 19

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Sometimes I get the impression that Jesus sees “the world” as we might see a sports team: “Us” versus “Them.” It is kind of like that in that there is a sense of competition between the two sides. Each side is trying to “score” more points than the other side. Points are racked up in a place we can’t see yet called “Eternity.”

The winners and the losers in this game between God and the world are real. The consequences of our choices are eternal. (See “Perspective”)

Somehow those who are not chosen by God, who do not choose God, know that any acknowledgment of God is a threat to them. When they see a person choosing God (a.k.a. being chosen by God) there is a sense of being threatened. The world’s people cannot abide a threat. Their only hope is in their own power. The power they have is only good when it is used for evil.

Emotions run high in the world. When someone turns to God, others feel betrayed. Betrayal, envy, anger, and insecurity all contribute to the response the world has toward’s God’s people. Death to the Christians!

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2 Replies to “Us vs Them – John 15: 19”

  1. He did say that the world would hate us. They are captive to the enemy. Thankfully, He has overcome the world and so do we. Prayerfully, many will yet choose the right side through the power o the Holy Spirit.

    1. Amen, brother! Thank God our God does not leave us alone to fight this battle. We are comforted and guided by the Spirit and the Word.

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