Here Comes The Judge – John 15: 22

If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.

This verse contains one of the more fascinating concepts in the Bible. (See also “Deep Thoughts”) It is a bit like driving down a road in the middle of the desert. The sky is clear blue with just a few wispy white clouds. Across the desert sands blow occasional tumbleweeds and way out in the distance pale blue mountains reach for the sky. The speedometer on the car is broken and you have no way of knowing that you are pushing ninety miles per hour. A bored county sheriff parked by the side of the road sees you fly by. When he finally catches up to you and hears your story about the broken speedometer he decides to let you off with a warning.

Before Jesus showed up in Judea, the Jewish leaders were like the guy in the car with the broken speedometer. They had no way of knowing how badly they had buggered up God’s message to his people. Like a bunch of lemmings in fancy dress, they paraded around claiming to be the authority on God when in fact they knew little to nothing about the true God.

Then comes Jesus. Boom! God Himself shows up on planet earth. Not just a bored county sheriff but the Judge Himself. He gives the Jewish leaders an earful about God and what He is really like. If they had only smiled and nodded and said, “Yes Sir,” they could have gotten off with a warning. As it was they shook their fist at The Man and stomped on the gas. Probably not the brightest move they could have made.

If you ever wonder about all of the lost people in the world who haven’t had a chance to hear the Gospel, think about this verse. Our God is an amazing God. He thinks of everything.

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2 Replies to “Here Comes The Judge – John 15: 22”

  1. Judgment is both a sobering and encouraging reality. Sobering because it is serious and eventually eternal. Encouraging because it would be a travesty for evil to just get a free pass. The only reason we are free from the consequence is of Christ’s substitution.

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